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Універсальнае рашэнне, адаптаванае да вашых унікальных патрабаванняў. Падтрымка вэб-сайта на 12 мовах, больш зручнасці і хуткасці паслуг.
VPG Foil is a product brand of Vishay Precision Group (VPG), producing the most precise and stable resistors available. VPG is an NYSE company that was a recent spin-off from Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. The unique Bulk Metal® Foil technology by VPG Foil outperforms all other resistor technologies due to its extremely low temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) and exceptional load life stability through temperature extremes. Our product portfolio includes discrete resistors and resistor networks in surface mount and through-hole (fixed-lead) configurations, customized chip resistor networks, precision trimming potentiometers, and discrete chips for use in hybrid circuits. These devices are used in applications requiring a high degree of precision and stability such as in medical testing equipment, semiconductor equipment, precision measuring instruments, aerospace, and military applications.
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