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Сістэма страхавання якасці для цудоўнай якасці прадукцыі. Своечасовае, кожны раз прадастаўленне якасных кампанентаў.
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Больш за 100 найбуйнейшых сусветных вытворцаў, больш за 15 мільёнаў запасаў. Даступныя запасы, якія можна набыць непасрэдна са зніжкай.
Дружалюбнае абслугоўванне кліентаў
Універсальнае рашэнне, адаптаванае да вашых унікальных патрабаванняў. Падтрымка вэб-сайта на 12 мовах, больш зручнасці і хуткасці паслуг.
Founded in 1995, GSI Technology, Inc. is a leading provider of high-performance semiconductor memory solutions for networking, military, medical, automotive, and other applications. The company offers unusually long product support life cycles, short lead times, one of the largest high-performance memory product portfolio in the market, and complete pre- and post-sale support. GSI's goal is to deliver the best value combination of power, speed, density, quality, reliability, and delivery in the world with an emphasis on providing high-performance memory for the long run.
GSI’s resources are currently focused on bringing new products to market that leverage existing core strengths, including radiation-hardened memory products for extreme environments and Gemini®, its first-generation APU designed to deliver performance advantages for diverse artificial intelligence applications. GSI Technology is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, and has sales offices in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
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